Ayurveda Workshop

On February 1st, 2020, the Ayurveda balancing workshop was attended with great enthusiasm and desire to learn. I presented mind-body integration, giving students knowledge to understand that the body and mind are connected and that nothing has more power than the mind to heal and transform the body.

Students learned their basic constitution and current condition to help support their healing. We discussed our biological clock and how the seasons affect our Doshas, the importance of the six tastes that take us into digestion and what turns food into nutrients, thoughts into action, toxins into waste, and emotions into self awareness.

We completed our day with a yoga practice that supported the Vata season that we are currently in. It was a day filled awareness and eagerness to take our new tools and apply them to our personal practice. To continue our learning we are looking forward to the Ayurveda Cooking Class sometime in the future.

When the science of Ayurveda and yoga come together to be one, balance and ease will come to your life.

Watch for a future Ayurveda Balancing Workshop!


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